
An alumni network 100,000 strong

Check your LinkedIn profile and see how many connections you have. You're probably in the 250-500 range if you're a pretty regular user, maybe more if you go out of your way to network or just have a lot of connections you've stayed in touch with over the years. Now think about this number: 100,000.

The W. P. Carey School of Business offers you one of the largest alumni networks of any business school in the world, which means no matter where you go or what direction your career takes you, there will be a W. P. Carey alum not too far away. We have alumni chapters in cities all over the U.S. and in countries all over the world. Our alumni can be found, literally, in countries from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe — over 160 countries in all. But how does that help you? Brian McMahon, CEO at Segment International in Orange County, recently reflected on the impact the W. P. Carey alumni community can have on your career.

"What I have learned is the value of networking — and by networking I don't mean pestering people on LinkedIn," he says. "Networking is not about going to a mixer and getting a lot of business cards. It's about truly reaching out, truly helping people, understanding what their business, and I believe that comes back. I've certainly benefited from it."

Check out the video below to learn more about the dynamic W. P. Carey alumni network, and how it can help you grow your career.

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