W. P. Carey in the news
Well-deserved accolades go to Dean Amy Hillman, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management Mahyar Eftekhar, and
Dean Amy Hillman was honored with the 2018 Distinguished Educator Award by the Academy of Management. This lifetime career achievement award recognizes long-term, significant contributions in one or more of the following areas: developing doctoral students; teaching effectively; fostering pedagogical innovations; and developing effective methods, structure, and designs. Nominators shared their thoughts on what makes her such an outstanding educator:
- "Amy's performance as a classroom instructor was consistently outstanding [starting with her very first teaching experiences when she was a doctoral student]."
- "Amy's mentoring and guidance shaped me into the researcher that I am. When I first started working with her, she was taking on a number of new roles at both ASU and within the Academy journals, yet she always made time for me."
- "Those of us fortunate enough to be doctoral students of Amy Hillman's have benefited not only from her incredible training and insight but from her influence across the career."
The W. P. Carey Executive MBA was recently ranked No. 12 in the world by The Economist. The ranking represents a dramatic increase since 2015, when W. P. Carey held the No. 39 spot worldwide. The 27-point jump was the largest among ranked schools.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management Mahyar Eftekhar the 2018 Young Faculty Award. Recognizing rising research stars in the U.S. academic institutions, the award will support Eftekhar's supply chain management research.
Associate Professor of Finance Denis Sosyura recently added the MBA Teaching Award: The Most Impactful Finance Professor to his already stellar resume. The associate professor of finance has published papers in the The Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and Review of Financial Studies (which also gave him its Distinguished Referee Award). He's won seven best paper awards and many more for teaching.
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