Road trips that ended in love and marriage
These W. P. Carey Cupids have been on the journey of life together since their junior year at ASU.
Sometimes, students leave the W. P. Carey School with more than a top-rated education — they find a life partner, too. Getting acquainted at Camp Carey, developing their relationship on the Dean's Patio, and dating for five years — these alums found love with a fellow W. P. Carey student.
We call them W. P. Carey Cupids — couples who met at the W. P. Carey School of Business and are now making lives together. Emily Beck (CIS '19) and Daniel Eckstein's (BS Supply Chain Management, Management and Entrepreneurship '19) love story began on a Camp Carey bus trip. Their relationship developed when they met on the Dean's Patio and dated for five years. They were married in November 2023.

Emily and Daniel are living in Chandler, Arizona. We caught up with them, and Emily shared their answers:
Question: Tell us how you met at W. P. Carey.
Answer: We met as volunteer facilitators for Camp Carey. He sat in front of me on the bus on the way up and started a conversation. We hit it off and started dating a few months into our junior year at ASU.
Q: Tell us about your careers.
A: I work remotely for General Dynamics Missions Systems as a cloud engineer and analyst. Daniel is a supply chain planner manager for body cameras at Axon in Arizona.
Q: Tell us how about your engagement.
A: After five years of dating, we got engaged on a day trip to Sedona. It was at the same creek we hiked down to on our first day trip together when we first started dating. We got married last November in Gilbert, Arizona. It was a smaller wedding with our amazing family and friends and was absolutely perfect.
Q: Where are you two today?
A: We bought a house in Chandler and have a perfect little dachshund named Beanie, who is spoiled but loved beyond belief.
Q: What's your advice for couples who meet at W. P. Carey and date during college?
A: I would advise any W. P. Carey couple to work on your communication above all. This is such an evolving and changing but exciting period of your life. We were able to navigate it by this being one of our biggest strengths that we continue to cultivate and grow.
Q: What was your favorite place to spend on campus together?
A: We spent a lot of time on and around the Dean's Patio.
Q: What's your favorite memory you share?
A: Graduating together and with our amazing friends is our absolute favorite.
Q: What are you looking forward to?
A: We look forward to traveling and experiencing new and old places these next few years. We plan some tropical destinations this year and are looking at Europe for the next!
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