Coming soon from a utility near you: More power to the people

For the past 10 years, the electric utility industry has focused on competition and restructuring.

Bringing a sense of urgency to your business

John Kotter knows your organization needs to change. His latest book, "A Sense of Urgency," delves into the how-to required of managers needing to embark on that first step, avoiding pitfalls along the way.

How to implement effective performance management

It is a process that few managers look forward to, and one that most employees dread: the annual performance review. The workplace ritual is a task to cross off the list, something that needs to be done but rarely is taken seriously enough to get done right.

Match your negotiating style to your objective

Alan Goldman is a management and entrepreneurship professor of practice at the W. P. Carey School of Business. He’s teaching the negotiations classes in the 2012 Small Business Leadership Academy presented by W. P. Carey’s Center for Executive and Professional Development.

Ready for spring? The recovery mindset

Gary Naumann is an entrepreneur and director of the Spirit of Enterprise Center at the W. P. Carey School of Business.

Should entrepreneurs try to do it all alone?

In addition to the people we hire to provide the skills that we either don't possess or don't do as well as someone else, it is the wise entrepreneur who assembles a cadre of advisers.