Sustainable servers: How IT can help companies preserve the environment and the bottom line

An explosion of electronic data is creating more demand for more storage capacity and for more servers. More servers mean more energy demands, increased costs and a greater impact on the environment.

Leave your comfort zone, get more from EPM

Companies have invested heavily in information technology known as Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) systems, which generate everything from basic budget and financial statements to complex forecasts of how to best meet consumer demand.

Can managers live with IT consumerization?

Last week the news of Google's new Hummingbird conversational search engine had analysts buzzing. One of the implications is that business users will expect the same capability from their applications. This is exciting – it adds more fuel to the fire of the consumerization of IT trend.

Rethinking R&D: Running contests to find solutions

The rise in “open innovation” contests has helped companies broaden their research and development while reducing their cost and risk of failure.

From Facebook to freedom: Does technology spur democracy?

Henry David Thoreau may have penned more than 9,300 words urging people to fight unjust governments in his essay on civil disobedience, but today's political dissidents have brought throngs to the streets with 140 characters or less. Such is the power of social media.

How many planes? Insight and strategy build on questions and perspectives

The officer in charge of the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 would have had early warning of the Japanese attack that day had he asked his radar watchers how many planes they had spotted. This story is sometimes told to students in the W. P.

Pocket change: Environmentalism could beat glitz in advertising for digital sellers

It's tough to differentiate yourself in online retailing. After all, you don’t have a physical location for people to check out or salespeople to build face-to-face rapport. Should your company strive to convey a hip image? Authoritative? More affordable than your competitors?

Can a rock star CIO from business fix government IT?

Last year’s botched roll out of the federal government’s Affordable Care Act website focused a spotlight on the public sector CIO. Those who believe government should be run like a business might conclude that a “rock star” CIO from the private sector would have done it better.

How relationships improve business process outsourcing

Trying to cover every contingency in a contract for long-term business process outsourcing is a challenge for CIOs, but research by Rob Hornyak, an assistant professor of information systems, shows that there are relationship mechanisms that can stand in for contract specificity in delivering BPO

Getting down to business with STEM

Business schools are in the conversation about STEM readiness in the U.S. workforce. Michael Goul, associate dean for research, explains why the business education footprint must expand to include science, technology, engineering and math. His article on this topic appeared in BizEd magazine.