ASU, VIT-AP team up to offer dual degree program
ASU’s W. P. Carey School of Business and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT-AP), a top educational institution in India, are partnering to offer a dual degree program in business data analytics. Students who complete the program will be awarded two degrees — a Bachelor of Science in business data analytics from ASU, and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from VIT-AP.
The partnership highlights the innovative approach that both institutions take toward higher education. ASU has been ranked the top U.S. university for innovation, ahead of both Stanford and MIT. Similarly, VIT-AP was ranked the top private university for innovation by the Government of India.
“The W. P. Carey School recognized the impacts of business analytics very early on, and in fact, we were among the first business schools in the U.S. to launch degrees focused specifically on the role analytics plays in every industry,” says Kay Faris, senior associate dean for academic programs at the W. P. Carey School.
“As our understanding of analytics has matured and our curricula have evolved, it was only natural that we would look for partnerships with universities around the world, and with India’s prominence in the global economy, this is the perfect time and opportunity to offer this dual degree.”
To participate in the dual degree program, students must have completed Class XII from any group with mathematics with an aggregate of 60 percent, and a minimum of 70 percent in mathematics. The first two years of the program take place at VIT-AP and the final two years are completed at ASU.
Learn more about this unique program, and find out how to apply.
About the W. P. CareySchool of Business
The W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University is one of the top-ranked business schools in the United States. The school is internationally regarded for its research productivity and its distinguished faculty members, including a Nobel Prize winner. Students come from more than 100 countries and W. P. Carey is represented by alumni in over 160 countries. Visit wpcarey.asu.edu.
For more information/media contact:
Shay Moser, W. P. Carey School of Business
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