Tons of performance: CIS team wins Avnet virtual game

Danielle Clark and Kevin Hemmer didn’t really know each other when they were teamed up to compete in the Avnet Tech Games last fall, but they turned out to be a winning combination.

Leave your comfort zone, get more from EPM

Companies have invested heavily in information technology known as Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) systems, which generate everything from basic budget and financial statements to complex forecasts of how to best meet consumer demand.

On flying cars and 140 characters of innovation

In a recent debate with Twitter investor Mark Andreessen of Netscape fame, Paypal founder Peter Thiel observed that the millennial generation grew up watching flying cars on their Saturday morning TV shows. But today, all we have for evidence of innovation is Twitter, he argued.

License to innovate: 007 technology

The current James Bond movie, Skyfall, delivers the action and effects we’ve come to expect of the 007 franchise.

On fire breathing dragons and tough meetings

March 8, 2013 wasn’t just another day.

Rainmaker: Phoenix ISSA President Aaron Carpenter

Information security professionals need to be change agents, adept in both information and people skills. So believes Aaron Carpenter, president of the Phoenix Chapter of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA).

It's personal: MSIM alumnus targets marketing campaigns at PetSmart

As senior manager for targeted communications and content strategy for the pet supply giant PetSmart, MSIM alumnus Mandy Mueller oversees the company's vast and ever-growing e-marketing efforts.

The race of a lifetime: A professor's battle with cancer

A grim prediction about Assistant Professor Gregory Dawson’s health came true in 2009 when he was diagnosed with an aggressive and fast-moving type of cancer. At first he felt like his body had betrayed him, but after one day of "feeling sorry for myself" he started to fight.

Does digital technology extinction mean it's time for a new research tribe?

In the January 26, 2013 issue of The Economist, there was an interesting story about technological extinction. Technologies like carbon paper seem to keep hanging on; nowadays tattoo artists and pigeon racers make use of it.

Pocket change: Environmentalism could beat glitz in advertising for digital sellers

 It’s tough to differentiate yourself in online retailing. After all, you don’t have a physical location for people to check out or salespeople to build face-to-face rapport. Should your company strive to convey a hip image? Authoritative? More affordable than your competitors?