At the heart of entrepreneurship

Some entrepreneurs dream about starting an enterprise their whole lives long, while others chase new inspiration. Yet regardless of their path, the vision for the entrepreneurs behind Kitchell, Ersland Touch Landscape, IO, I-ology and Melrose Pharmacy, was to touch the lives of people.

How to vet potential tenants during a showing.

I have had all manner of tenants in the past, good and bad. With experience, I have developed a successful application process that helps me to find the best possible tenants. After the successful first phone call, now it is time to schedule the showing.

How you can improve your work image

People come up with perceptions by comparing their memory of your behaviors and characteristics against their existing picture of what qualities are appropriate or ideal. The process can have a big impact on the decisions we make about others and the decisions they make about us.

Clear purpose, good hiring can build company culture

Culture is incredibly important. For major career choices, many top candidates may take a lower-paying position for one at a company whose culture fits his or her lifestyle and values.

Use company politics to your advantage

The most common political decisions are around resources (who gets them) and hiring and promotions (who gets in and goes up).

Six sources of funds to tap for your startup venture

Starting a business venture is never an easy process, says Sidnee Peck, director for the Center for Entrepreneurship. Peck elaborates on the key components needed to get funding for your business venture.

Five points to consider in naming your new business

Aspiring entrepreneurs often put the naming process (and buying T-shirts, business cards and websites) way too early in the game. While your business name can be really important, don't let it take over your time and attention.

Do homework before approaching company to buy your idea

You have an idea that you think you could sell or license. What next? Sidnee Peck, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides readers with guidance.

Three factors to consider before hiring an employee

The concept of bringing in a new employee to a small business can be a daunting one. Sindee Peck, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides key guidance when making the difficult decision.

Five ways managers annoy those working for them

In the simplest sense, managers and employees are in a relationship. Here are five pet peeves from good employees.