The Ph.D. experience: A student's life is intense, focused
If you choose the academic life, you will always be two things at once: a student — continuously uncovering and processing new knowledge; and a teacher — conveying what you know to others. This dual life begins in the Ph.D.
Shared values help companies connect with consumers
Online retailers looking to connect with customers and increase sales and profits would be wise to demonstrate values that appeal to those customers, according to researchers in the Department of Information Systems.
Quantifying the intangible: Determining the performance of knowledge workers
Measuring the performance of workers on an assembly line is simple: Count the objects produced and find out how long the process took. That should reveal the productivity of the factory workers. But how do you determine the performance of knowledge workers?
Stock market play could raise your marketing model's performance
Which prospects are most likely to buy what you're selling? Who are your good credit risks? What will your customers buy next? Chances are, your company uses predictive models to answer these and other questions, or soon will.
Podcast: Grand challenges call for a new polymath
"Polymath" is the Greek word for Renaissance man — one who excels at many things. But if, centuries ago, society needed a Da Vinci or a Franklin, the grand challenges of today call for teams of experts.
Use prediction markets to raise your marketing model's performance
Which prospects are most likely to buy what you're selling? Who are your good credit risks? What will your customers buy next? Chances are, your company uses predictive models to answer these and other questions, or soon will.
Through an IT lens: Professor Raghu Santanam
The mile markers in an academic career include the first post — as assistant professor — when scholars prove their research and teaching mettle. If successful, they are awarded tenure and the accompanying "associate professor" title.
Changing the way we talk about the cloud
"Cloud is cheap, fast and easy! Did we mention fast?!" "No hardware required!" "Why build what someone has already built?" Marketing pitches for cloud solutions sometimes run to hyperbole, creating a communications challenge for IT leaders.
Social media: The wild, wild West of new technology
Leigh Dow, director of the Toolbox for IT at, addressed the new developments in social media at a recent Showcase Series event sponsored by the Center for Advancing Business Through Information Technology (CABIT) at the W.nbsp;P.nbsp;Carey School's Department of Information Systems.
Bridging the gap: How internal audit and IT can work together to improve information security
In many organizations, the internal audit and information security functions can't seem to get on the same communication wavelength.