
Donald Trump's moment of truth

After what felt like the longest campaign ever, the 2016 election is finally over. It's time to sit back, take a deep breath, and reflect on where we stand as we await the inauguration of America's next president, Donald J. Trump, whose remarkable come-from-behind victory puts the Republican party firmly in charge of the national agenda.

Chase Chief Economist Anthony Chan travels both globally and domestically to meet with clients and to make presentations on economics and investments.

Access the slides of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard on, “The Low Real Interest Rate Regime Post-Election: Is There a Switch?” 

In his presentation, Bullard discussed how the current state of the U.S. economy and monetary policy might be viewed in terms of a “low-safe-real-interest-rate regime” and whether the proposed policies of the incoming White House administration could impact this regime.

Listen to Economics Professor Lee McPheters' presentation, and follow along with his slides.

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