
Step by step: Measuring the value of managing by walking around

New research finds that executive visits boost employee motivation and sales.

From helping hands to loyal donors: A smarter approach to volunteer management

ASU researchers try to solve the puzzle of how many volunteers are too many.

How startups can disrupt responsibly

A four-step framework helps startups mitigate political and societal risks, research finds.

Low-carbon beef: Is a greener cut worth the extra buck?

Research shows consumers are willing to pay more for steaks that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Cracking the code on food waste: A tricky balancing act

ASU researchers uncover the complex challenges of turning unsellable produce into a sustainable business model.

Inside the boardroom: How anger and happiness shape corporate governance

New research reveals that happiness tends to garner broader board support, while anger prompts immediate executive responses, highlighting the significant impact of emotions on corporate governance decisions.

Love it or hate it, advertising can boost life satisfaction

According to an ASU marketing expert's new research, reducing marketplace uncertainty through advertising has positive effects on consumers.

Eco policy lesson: Think things all the way through

While property-assessed clean energy programs make green home improvements more accessible, they also make obtaining home loans more challenging says an ASU accountancy expert.

Lead on: How the mantle of leadership impacts performance

An ASU management and entrepreneurship professor's research paper investigates how informal leadership impacts identity, stress, and job performance.

Green acts followed by bad acts: Could sustainability have a dark side?

ASU research follows New York City cab drivers to find out if green business decisions prompt people to be more or less honest.