
Attending to ethics

A study by management and entrepreneurship professors Michael Baer and David Welsh unravels the differences between prevention- and promotion-focused ethical leadership behaviors.

Added angst and admiration: How COVID-19 impacts 'dirty' work

'Dirty work,' are jobs that are stigmatized because they’re dangerous or somehow distasteful to those who don’t do them. What’s more, the pandemic has made some dirty jobs even dirtier than before.

Rationalize or reconsider? How envy and emotional regulation strategies shape unethical contagion

Diverse emotions can influence the decision to act unethically in business, but David Welsh, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship, examined specifically how this can happen and ways to prevent it from occurring.

Researchers estimate the potential of urban farming

With the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve seen the food supply chain break down, and urban agriculture could be one solution. But what types of people are most likely to participate in urban farming?

How to create and articulate your business vision like Martin Luther King Jr.

Associate Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship Christopher Neck explored MLK's 'I Have a Dream' Speech to pinpoint exactly why it was so effective. Here are three lessons.

‘Working smarter, not harder’: What reviewers think of using technology in audits

New research by Assistant Professor of Accountancy Scott Emett and KPMG Professor of Accountancy Steve Kaplan shows that even when an audits’ quality is the same, external reviewers still perceive a difference between the data and analytics approach and the traditional approach.

THESIS Index assesses supply chain sustainability

The index allows brands and manufacturers to understand the sustainability story of their products, to quickly identify ways to improve, and to communicate that story to retailers, customers, investors, and consumers.

Homework: Managing COVID-19’s newly remote workforce

For those who are new to supervising remote workers, management and supply chain professors offer a few pointers for helping them feel noticed, acknowledge, valued, and informed.

Efficiency vs. resilience: Food supply issues in the COVID-19 age

Professors assess the coronavirus' effect on the weakest link in the supply chain — inflexibility.

Researchers fill labor market data gap with real-time survey stats

A crisis and a need for clarity compelled Alexander Bick and Adam Blandin to collaborate on an ongoing national survey designed to bolster public knowledge about fast-changing employment trends during the COVID-19 pandemic.