Employee performance: Sharing it may boost motivation
According to research conducted by Associate Professor of Accountancy Pablo Casas-Arce, the words, “You can do better,” affects employees.
Move over materialism: The 'experiential advantage' wins most valuable social currency
While scoring a new iPhone is fun, showing off that picture of your excursion kayaking on Canyon Lake makes people happier, according to research. Plus, inflation is expected to affect the holiday shopping season.
Supplying perspective on supply chain resilience
With so much attention focused on supply chains, it makes sense to think more deeply about how supply chain stability should be evaluated. Supply chain resilience has traditionally been looked at in terms of an organization or a relationship between supplier and purchaser.
Employee stock options suffer in most merger deals
When a company succeeds to the point that other firms come calling with merger or acquisition offers, the thinking goes, those stock options will turn into big payoffs for the employees. However, new research shows it generally doesn’t work out that way.
What are the U.S. fuel transit alternatives?
While the worst is over for the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack, Professor of Supply Chain Management Dale Rogers says that more preparation and alternative modes of supply chain are needed to ward off future attacks.
Are ransomware attacks on the rise?
After the Colonial Pipeline was attacked by cyberhackers and left millions hanging at the gas pump, it gained control of operations after paying the attackers $5 million in untraceable cryptocurrency. This week, the world’s largest meat producer and Fujifilm are the latest victims.
Craft chocolate makers press for better conditions
To continue thriving amid competition from large manufacturers, craft chocolate makers must do a better job of setting quality standards and explaining the value of their higher-priced products to the public, says Alexis Villacis, assistant professor at the Morrison School of Agribusiness.
How the COVID-19 pandemic affected guest worker programs
Timothy Richards, the Marvin and June Morrison Chair in Agribusiness, would like to see the new administration deliver better working conditions that this critical workforce deserves.
What is the future of the restaurant industry?
People spent more money eating out than they did on buying food at a store in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic changed that, but the restaurant industry is not going to be fundamentally different post-pandemic, according to Timothy Richards, the Marvin and June Morrison Chair in Agribusiness.
ASU supply chain team overcomes logistical challenges to feed families
Forks for Families is one of several grant-funded projects to address food insecurity.