
Are ransomware attacks on the rise?

After the Colonial Pipeline was attacked by cyberhackers and left millions hanging at the gas pump, it gained control of operations after paying the attackers $5 million in untraceable cryptocurrency. This week, the world’s largest meat producer and Fujifilm are the latest victims. Assistant Professor of Information Systems Victor Benjamin explains why ransomware attacks are increasing.

After the Colonial Pipeline was attacked by cyberhackers and left millions hanging at the gas pump, it gained control of operations after paying its attackers $5 million in untraceable cryptocurrency. This week, the world’s largest meat producer and Fujifilm are the latest victims.

Assistant Professor of Information Systems Victor Benjamin shares why ransomware attacks are increasing.

What happened? Who was responsible? What's the prevalence of cyberattacks on U.S. companies? How do these attacks impact supply chain issues in the U.S.? Get the full story here. Plus, learn about U.S. fuel transit alternatives.

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