W. P. Carey Full-time MBA ranked No. 12 in the world
The W. P. Carey Executive MBA was recently ranked No. 12 in the world by The Economist, making it the second-highest ranked EMBA program offered by a public institution in the U.S.
The W. P. Carey Executive MBA was recently ranked No. 12 in the world by The Economist. The ranking represents a dramatic increase in the reputation of the program compared to the last Economist ranking. In 2015, W. P. Carey held the No. 39 spot worldwide. The 27-point jump was the largest among ranked schools.
Methodology for the Economist ranking included a questionnaire distributed to both current students of each EMBA program and recent alumni.
Around 8,000 of these questionnaires were completed, and from them we gleaned the more quantitative measures, such as a rating of classmates, faculty, facilities, and the like. Alumni also reported their pre-EMBA and current salaries, from which average increases could be calculated. 
The W. P. Carey EMBA was ranked second among American programs offered by public institutions.
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