Taming the Wild West of embedded analytics

The compound annual growth rate for big data is expected to be 26.4 percent through 2018, creating governance challenges for organizations.

Business analytics: A better way to dig into supply chains

New research by a team of information systems and supply chain experts from the W. P. Carey School of Business shows that adding business analytics to the supply chain toolbox can make the process of evaluating supply chains easier, faster and more targeted.

Alum introduces a new way to rewire data center inefficiencies

In a market of Big Data, Big Data centers, and big costs, W. P. Carey alumnus Clint Poole's innovative DataStation — a scalable, quickly deployable modular data center that can connect directly to the grid for power — may make a big impact on the industry.

Coming soon to an online retailer near you: CCOMS

"It's you!" How many times have shoppers heard heard that expression? While shopping online, however, customers are pretty much alone in the store. The tools currently available to retailers are limited in their ability to speak to individual consumers.

Benchmark report: A snapshot of cross-industry trends in purchasing

With this issue Knowledge@ W. P. Carey inaugurates a series of stories about the benchmark reports issued by CAPS Research, a research center co-sponsored by the W. P. Carey School of Business and the Institute of Supply Management.

Analysis: Kevin J. Dooley asks are political blogs predictive?

2008 will be remembered for the classic battles between Obama and Clinton and McCain and Obama, but political wonks will also note the historical nature of this presidential campaign because of the profound impact that the Internet and social media have had on the dynamics of the race.

Developing business analytics leaders, not just professionals

The explosion of data can be traced to traditional internet sources, plus social media and new devices like smart phones, GPS, and tablets, but this expansion is equally apparent in everything from manufacturing to retail to health care. In this environment, being able to comm

Ebay study: How to build trust and improve the shopping experience

eBay has been one of the biggest and longest lasting success stories of the early dot com era. And a big reason for eBay's success has been its effectiveness at collecting and using data.