The Economic Minute: Cloudy with a chance of thunderstorms

The Economic Minute is a snapshot of the economy in Arizona and across the U.S. delivered by an expert from the W. P. Carey School of Business at the beginning of Economic Club of Phoenix luncheons. Hear Dean Robert Mittelstaedt.

Gary Dirks: Shedding light on energy sources

Director of LightWorks Gary Dirks talked about the potential for expanding the energy supply by utilizing the power of light at the Economic Club of Phoenix Luncheon on Oct. 6, 2011.

Business pressure drives technology: Revolution in the entertainment industry

Chris Cookson, president of Sony Pictures Technologies, has been a participant in and observer of entertainment technology advances over the past 20 years.

JDA's Hamish Brewer: Supply chain management into the future

JDA Software President and CEO Hamish Brewer presented a primer on supply chain management and discussed the technology-driven improvements that will alter the way business decisions are made and executed at the Economic Club of Phoenix Luncheon on Jan. 11, 2012.

Shell executive Curtis R. Frasier: The world energy system

Shell Executive Vice President Curtis Frasier, who is general counsel of Royal Dutch Shell’s Upstream Americas business and head of legal in the U.S.

Economics 101: What's your grade?

How confident are you that you understand background facts on economic issues? Every year at our Economic Outlook Luncheon, we challenge our guests to test their economic acumen, specifically as it applies to the state of Arizona.

Identity protection versus identity management

Arizona-based LifeLock Inc. provides proactive identity theft protection services for consumers and identity risk and credit worthiness assessment for enterprises. At the Economic Club of Phoenix on Feb.

This is the boom: Economists deliver 2016 outlook

For anyone who fondly remembers Arizona’s boom times, economists have a new message: Even though 2016 might well shape up as the state’s best year in 10 years, it’s time to get used to rates of much slower growth.

Lessons for the U.S. from Canadian reforms

For the first monthly Economic Club of Phoenix luncheon of the 2016-2017 season, the keynote speaker was Jason Clemens, executive vice president of the Fraser Institute. He shared about Canada's pre-reform days and its 1990s era of restructuring, as well as the country's reform results.

Headwinds for the next president

Dennis Hoffman, speaking at the Economic Club of Phoenix first monthly luncheon of the 2016-2017 season, said the headwinds for the next president: Aging baby boomers are one cause for the declining labor force participation rates.