How to dress professionally

First impressions can make or break you, especially in a professional setting. If you want to be taken seriously as a professional, then you must look the part — here are some tips on how to do exactly that, courtesy of W. P. Carey Career Services.

7 mistakes to avoid in your interview

Advice to help college students ace upcoming job and internship interviews, brought to you by W. P. Carey Career Services.

Customize your 30-second commercial for upcoming business career fairs

So the career fair is approaching and you’ve narrowed down the list of companies you’re planning on talking to. You’ve done your research. Now you need to practice what you will say when you approach the recruiters at the career fair!

Gain connections and build your network at W. P. Carey

W. P. Carey provides the best career development resources for undergraduate business college students to help us earn our dream jobs. Here are some tips to to help you maximize the value of these resources and become a successful graduate.