Three approaches to valuing your business

Your business is thriving, but to continue to grow, you need capital. Before you enter the market, you need to know what your company is worth.

Finding the right financing for your business

Laura Lindsey, an associate professor of finance at the W. P. Carey School, is an expert on venture capital and private equity, governance and financial contracting.

Long term trends in Phoenix real estate market

The high volatility that electrified the Phoenix real estate market over the past few years has been replaced by something more like normality. Change is more gradual.

Why CEO compensation tripled in the 90s then went flat

Between 1992 and 2001, median compensation for Standard and Poor's 500 more than tripled, but growth in CEO pay was relatively flat before 1992 and after 2001.

Amazon’s 49,000 percent gain: The most super of superstocks since 1926

In working paper, “Do Stocks Outperform Treasury Bills?” by Professor of Finance Hendrik Bessembinder, he found that individual stocks are a gamble.

Phoenix real estate market closing 2014 on a slow note

There has been little change in the Greater Phoenix real estate market for the last year, and the October numbers show a continuation of the trend, according to Mike Orr, director of the Center for Real Estate Theory and Practice at the W. P. Carey School of Business.

Upping the ante: New skills needed in finance, accounting, and tax

Finance, accounting, and tax have a longstanding legacy in businesses of all shapes and sizes, but it’s no secret the business world is changing.

Why companies stockpile mountains of cash

Since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in the fall of 2008, corporate officers around the world have been building up their balance sheets with mountains of cash and marketable securities — a lot of it in other countries.

Is it spring in the Phoenix real estate market?

The Phoenix metro area has a history of rapid price increases and breath-taking drops, so to longtime observers the currently calm market may seem — well — dull. But experts at the “Phoenix Housing Market Explained III,” hosted by the W. P.