
Parents of adult children with disabilities fill housing gap

With an affordable housing shortage in most major cities, finding homes that are disability-friendly makes a narrow pool even narrower.

Arizona is getting a raise: New year brings an increase in the minimum wage

The wage hike of $12 an hour is a 9% increase from the $11 an hour that went into effect on Jan. 1, 2019. It's also the fourth consecutive annual increase.

Report: Almost one-third of Arizona jobs at risk due to automation

According to a report by Kempler Industries, Arizona could lose 28% of its workforce, or 782,150 jobs, to automation.

Arizona foreclosures drop but do not account for evictions

Arizona's foreclosures dropped 11% last year, which puts the state fifth lowest in the nation. But the new numbers don't account for Arizonans forced to leave rentals.

Population growth pushes Phoenix office vacancies to record lows

Executive Director of the Master of Real Estate Development program Mark Stapp says the city's identity is evolving and we have to mature if we are going to continue increasing because we simply can't accommodate the expansion patterns we've had in the past.

Got bad customer service? How to complain well and get results

Sick of getting the runaround when you have a billing or product problem? Learn how to get your issues solved quickly, according to findings from the Customer Rage Study.

College football championship may be an economic Super Bowl for Louisiana

When Arizona hosted the championship game in Glendale in 2016, a study by the Seidman Research Institute indicated that the estimated economic impact was more than $273 million.

Opinion: What was the top stock of 2019? And should it be in your retirement account?

While the best stock in the S&P 1500 has a year-to-date gain of more than 450%, Professor of Finance Hank Bessembinder's research shows why a diversified investment strategy is better than to risk everything on a few stocks.

Influence your relationship using the 6 principles of persuasion

Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing Robert Cialdini's research can be used to positively guide our partners in an effort to strengthen our connection with one another.

When overnight delivery doesn’t quite cut it

Higher costs and severed ties with Amazon led FedEx profits to fall 40% from a year earlier. Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Dale Rogers recalls when the company led the industry with fast overnight delivery.