Arizona Cardinals' Super Bowl trip provides timely boost for Phoenix economy
"Victory is contagious, and food always tastes better when you win," says Ray Artigue, the former senior vice president of the Phoenix Suns, who is now a professor of practice in the marketing department at the W. P. Carey School of Business and director of the W. P. Carey MBA
Troubled times magnify health care supply chain manager's role
When times are good, expansion plans, future investments and revenue growth are the focus points in most industries. But during down times, organizations scrutinize spending. The current economic crisis is hitting the health care sector as hard as other industries.
Sending clear messages: Communicating the 'core idea'
People who know Mike Figliuolo likely were unsurprised when he founded a training and development firm called "thoughtLEADERS, LLC" in 2004. Up to that point, every stage of his career led seamlessly to the next, as he groomed himself in teamwork, delegating, structure, strategy and leadership.
Sandra Day O'Connor: Where judges can be bought and sold
The story sounds just like a John Grisham novel: The CEO of a West Virginia energy company spent more than $3 million to help a relative unknown unseat the incumbent and become a judge on the state's Supreme Court.
Crisis communication: Now more than ever, a timely topic
When it comes to examples of crises in business, we have "an embarrassment of riches," according to the author of "Crisis Communication: Practical PR Strategies for Management and Company Survival." The debacle of Enron's collapse and the Tylenol package-tampering scare are examples of crises tha
Podcast: Markets await detail of rescue, stimulus plans
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner announced the Obama administration's plan to rescue financial markets yesterday. The plan was long on promise and short on details, however, which sent markets spinning.
Western states find little good news in latest economic numbers
Analysts are sifting through the latest economic data for their states, but there is little good news to be found. According to December figures on unemployment recently released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, unemployment is up over last month in each of the 50 states.
Privacy practices: The challenge of safeguarding digital data
Privacy once meant drawing the drapes. Now that we depend on technology to do the world's business, privacy means securing data, protecting personal information and keeping hackers at bay.
Tired, irritable, restless? It may be 'boreout'
In the nation's hospitals, today's dread epidemics are Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium difficile. At the office, the scary "bug" is boreout, according to a new book from Phillipe Rothlin and Peter Werder.
Geek Squad: Best Buy's corporate mythology
We all know the Best Buy brand — the big-box stores have been around for 30 years, populated by employees wearing blue shirts, selling products emblazoned with the yellow tag. Around 10 years ago, services began taking center stage — derailing some industry leaders and empowering others.