
Ways your company can give back to community

Small business owners are aided by the loyal customers that frequent their establishments. This isn't difficult to figure out. Yet, ways in which small business owners give back to their community and their customers is something that isn't always easy to figure out.

By Sidnee Peck  |  Director, Center for Entrepreneurship

As a small business owner, I want to give back to the community that does so much to support my company. How can I best accomplish this?

I was recently reminded of how significant the impact of a business can be on a community — and of how important communities are to a company. As each entrepreneur was recognized Friday at the W.P. Carey School of Business' Spirit of Enterprise Awards, the audience heard examples of community support and contributions, reminding us that you truly can do well while doing good.

As business owners, our daily efforts are usually focused on strategic and tactical decisions to ensure that our business is running well and earning revenue to support future growth and operations.

However, as successful company owners, we are also often approached with support requests from local organizations, events and initiatives. Making the decision to support your community and how to support it can result in feel-good vibes for yourself and your employees.

It can also help increase profitability and sustainability for your organization. So, what should you consider as you decide which projects to support?

Support something important to you (and your employees)

You make strategic decisions for company operations, and you should also give thought and attention to ensure that community support choices reflect the goals of you and your employees. When you give time and money in a thoughtful and strategic way, you not only create a stronger community tie, you can also help deepen your brand and highlight causes about which your employees really care.

For example, Sam Calagione, founder of Delaware-based Dogfish Head Brewery, shared that he gives both company time and cash to his state's chapter of the Nature Conservancy. Calagione wants to support the preservation of local wetlands, something of immense importance to him and the company, which often uses locally grown ingredients in its products. To date, the company has put on eight fundraising races and contributed more than $200,000 to the Nature Conservancy.

Support organizations that can benefit from your skills.

Giving time and funds is important, but the results can also be magnified when you leverage your core competencies as individuals and a company. There are many examples of this, such as Kitchell — an Arizona-based builder, developer and program manager — that has provided services for building or acquiring new physical spaces for organizations. The company has helped the Ryan House for children with life-threatening conditions and UMOM New Day Centers to help prevent and end homelessness.

Involve your employees.

I-ology, a Scottsdale-based technology firm, strongly supports the Special Olympics Arizona, something about which founder Trish Bear is deeply passionate. While Trish serves on the board of Special Olympics Arizona, she also involves her employees in creating Web-based tools and assets for the organization. Doing this gets employees involved in the commitment to supporting the local community.

You're already mindful of how you run your company. Well, mindful community investment is equally important. It offers incredible rewards to so many. As we approach Thanksgiving, also consider happy giving!

First published in The Arizona Republic, November 24, 2014.

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