Management has key role in dispelling threats of workplace violence

Last month the world was rocked by the news of a series of workplace suicides at Foxconn Technology in Shenzhen, China.

Getting excited about work: How managers can build employee engagement — part two

Employee engagement is a set of behaviors that contribute to business success. But although it is intangible, employee engagement is not serendipitous: managers can create and nurture a culture that fosters engagement in employees.

Getting excited about work: How managers can build employee engagement — part one

Employee engagement — the powerful phenomenon that can propel companies to new levels of profitability — is never more important than in times of economic stress. But can you define it? And do you know how to make it happen in your business?

Not a lost generation, but a 'disappointed' one: The job market's impact on millennials

Members of Generation Y — a group of approximately 70 million young people between the ages of 15 and 30 — are starting their careers in perhaps the worst job market since the Great Depression.

What is culture and why is it important?

If asked, could you describe the culture of your company? You should, because as management professor and leadership consultant Angelo Kinicki says, culture is important to employee behavior and company performance. Listen to part one of our series on company culture.

What do they value? Access as the source of power

Power is something that every leader, every manager and every business owner seeks, and needs, to further their interests.

A broader view of the stakeholder: The way to more responsible leadership?

Polls have shown that Americans — especially young Americans — are increasingly skeptical about the concept of capitalism, and are mistrustful of the leaders of large corporations.

Take flight by aligning culture and strategy

Research shows that continuously successful companies have developed cultures that match strategy, and have thoughtfully nurtured employee engagement.

Using neuroscience to learn how to build a better leader

In the past sixty years, advances in neuroscience have led to remarkable progress in the fight against disorders of the brain, from Alzheimer’s Disease to traumatic brain injury to addictions.

Google's education evangelist preaches the gospel of creativity

Jaime Casap, "Education Evangelist" at Google, was the featured speaker recently at the IT Leadership Seminar hosted by the W. P. Carey School of Business for students in the Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM).