Why CEO style should contrast with culture

Should CEOs align their leadership style to match the firm’s culture?

Reality of regulation coming to daily fantasy sports?

Fantasy sports are here to stay, but key decisions in the next year or two likely will bring taxation and government regulation to the booming industry. That was the consensus of a panel on the future of fantasy sports at the 2016 ASU Sports Symposium.

Do aggressive goals drive unethical behavior?

Research on goal setting and pay for performance can inspire not only higher performance, but higher malfeasance. And thinking “outside of the box” can cause trouble when misapplied. Even the smallest moral transgressions can evolve into problems of significant size.

Why you need to avoid the office bully

When new employees come on board, the boss wants them to identify with co-workers so they form a strong team. But new research by Professor of Management Blake Ashforth has found that personal identification in the office isn’t always positive, especially if the team includes an office bully.

When the boss leaves, should I stay, or should I go?

When good leaders leave for new opportunities, they might walk out the door with more than best wishes and the last slices of farewell cake. Some subordinates might follow the leader to his or her new venture.

Three approaches to valuing your business

Your business is thriving, but to continue to grow, you need capital. Before you enter the market, you need to know what your company is worth.

Brand building: One size does not fit all entrepreneurs

What are the elements that make up your brand? Nancy Gray, a marketing instructor at the W. P, Carey School, explains how those elements contribute to the way your brand is perceived — and lived ­— by your customers.

Workplace friendships are a mixed bag

New research by PetSmart Chair in Business Leadership Jeff LePine explores the ties between multiplex work relationships and job performance.

Gratitude: A new approach

Gratitude has an application that goes far beyond thanking someone for what they've done. Implementing gratitude in your life can make it all that much more satisfying.

Entrepreneur-focused events can boost your company

Arizona has truly become a blossoming support system for businesses of all sizes and stages. Here are Sidnee Peck's three suggestions to help you find the right event for your needs.