How you can prevent a Sony hack in your small business

Facing a security breach in your small business can be a daunting task to contain. Sidnee Peck, Director for the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides helpful tips to prevent this from occurring.

Use the New Year to grow business

One of the reasons we love (or hate) New Year’s resolution season is because it is a specific point in time that causes us to halt and take inventory of our lives, our businesses and our relationships.

Forget the New Year’s resolutions: Try action plans, instead

I strongly dislike New Year’s resolutions. A New Year’s resolution is nothing more than a broad goal, and experience and research show that broad goals do not foster success. However, I do love goal-based action plans, and that’s what I recommend you use for 2015.

Co-working spaces can boost your creativity

We are living in an age of mobile offices and people working religiously from coffee shops. It can be a way of life for many entrepreneurs. However, because this has become such a trend, co-working spaces are popping up in cities all over the world, and the Phoenix area is no exception.

CEO compensation: What’s the impact of say-on-pay?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act provides stockholders with a way to express their displeasure when a CEO’s compensation seems outrageously high. But, only a tiny percentage of corporations and their CEOs have been on the losing end of so-called “say-on-pay” votes.

Being mindful improves leadership

“Mindfulness,” defined as “the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment,” has the potential to better our lives. It also can make you a better leader at work and home.

Be the ‘Valentine’s Day’ of services

Valentine’s Day is both loved and hated, but regardless of where you stand, you’re well-aware of its influential marketing power. For the second quarter, how can you transform your business into the “Valentine’s Day” of products or services?

Are you overworked? This might help

Do you feel as though you're being overworked? Sidnee Peck, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides a basic outline for utilizing your time more efficiently.

How to plan ahead for holiday-staffing needs

Does your company struggle with staffing or servicing needs? Sidnee Peck, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, is here to provide you with helpful advice during this hectic holiday season.

Want a mentor? Follow these guidelines for the best fit

Starting a business is a unique experience. Because of this, it is helpful to build a relationship with someone who has already gone through the process.