Don't just create a fantasy plan — build a business model

Sidnee Peck, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides words of wisdom for a questioning business owner.

Tips for moving your business out of the house

If your corporate office is in the same building as your bedroom, you may want to consider moving the space elsewhere to adequately build revenue for your venture.

Finding the right financing for your business

Laura Lindsey, an associate professor of finance at the W. P. Carey School, is an expert on venture capital and private equity, governance and financial contracting.

Should entrepreneurs try to do it all alone?

In addition to the people we hire to provide the skills that we either don't possess or don't do as well as someone else, it is the wise entrepreneur who assembles a cadre of advisers.

Use summer to refresh your business vision

Doing business in the Phoenix metro area, we are used to things slowing down a bit during the summer. Partners, customers and investors often head out of town, and we may even get a chance to get away ourselves.

A 'hands-off' leader can derail employees

Management Professor Angelo Kinicki, provides his readers with the consequences of how not to implement laissez-faire leadership into business.

Getting started: Why startups should consult tax professionals

The School of Accountancy's Professor of Practice Donald Goldman offers a cautionary tale that illustrates the consequences of cutting corners when starting a business. In this case, saving a few dollars on legal advice in the beginning cost $3 million in the end.

Find your 'go-to' person for advice about career and life

We all need a “go-to” person when times are tough or when we encounter an ambiguous or political situation. A “go-to” person is someone we rely on for expert advice, knowledge or assistance in an important situation.

In business, it's always election season

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, it’s not what you think that matters, it’s what others think. In a sense, every day is “election day” for your business, because when customers buy or use your product or service it’s as if they were voting for you. So how do attract votes?

Simplify: Identify your non-negotiables and your 'can't live withouts'

In this edition of "Getting Started," Sidnee Peck explains the importance of acknowledging the things that you do and do not need in life.