ASU-RSI: Phoenix home prices expected to flatten (your sector may vary)
The small increases in Phoenix housing prices that began this spring will likely continue for only a month or two longer, then flatten out for "an extended period," said Karl Guntermann, a professor of real estate who calculates the ASU-Repeat Sales Index (ASU-RSI) at the W. P. Carey Sc
Making services a science: New study finds great interest — and great confusion
Companies like IBM, PetSmart and Marriott have been proving that enormous success, and enormous profits, can be found in services. Yet services have always been difficult to get your arms around — difficult to understand.
Job growth improves in 20 states
More state labor markets are pulling out of the economic slump created by the recession. As recently as March of this year, only two states (North Dakota and Alaska) were adding nonfarm jobs year-over-year. By May, the number of states posting year-to-year growth had improved to an even dozen.
The whole truth and nothing but the truth: Managing information asymmetry in IS consulting
A cynic might say that information systems consultants shortchange their clients. They can, for example, promise more than they deliver. Or they can tarry and delay. Or they might ask, on the back end, to bill for "unanticipated" work.
Podcast: Real estate markets — 20 percent of mortgages under water nationally
High foreclosure rates and negative equity continue to haunt real estate markets across the nation. In fact, a new report states that about 20 percent of mortgages nationally are under water.
U.S. macro outlook: Watch for second half headwinds
As the calendar approaches the mid-year mark, the economy through the first half appears on track to exceed earlier expectations, thanks to increased spending by consumers and the willingness of businesses to build inventories and invest in new equipment and software.
ASU-RSI: Big picture a little brighter, but shadows persist
Big picture, the Phoenix housing market showed gradual improvement overall through May, but zooming in on the various segments the picture changes, as some are still declining while others are improving — but only slowly.
Podcast: High foreclosure rate and unemployment make housing recovery hard to read
The Phoenix resale market slowed a bit in May when compared to April, possibly because activity spiked last month as the federal first-time home buyer program came to a close, according to Jay Butler, associate professor of real estate and author of the monthly Realty Studies Report from the W.&n
Podcast: Median price not full story for Phoenix market
The median price for resale homes in the Phoenix area has been edging up for several months. Does this signal that the market is approaching normalcy?
Will the U.S. stay globally competitive? It depends
Jim Owens, chairman and chief executive officer of Caterpillar Inc., is "concerned that the U.S.