Product companies becoming profitable services providers
Many companies have been shifting away from a sole focus on products and have added services in order to drive continued growth and differentiate themselves in an increasingly saturated marketplace. In fact, services account for 80 percent of the U.S.
Failure is an option: How learning from setbacks can lead to success
The inspiring expression, "failure is not an option" reportedly evolved from a statement by Jerry C. Bostick, a flight controller who helped bring the space-stranded astronauts of Apollo 13 safely back to earth.
Podcast: The trend for gas prices
Gas prices have been easing downward in the last few weeks, welcome relief for consumers. But what is the outlook going forward? Will prices continue to fall? Dennis Hoffman, director of the L.
Oren Harari: Avoiding the perils of the 'copycat economy'
What's riskier? Staying in the pack or venturing cautiously out on a limb?
Heads up, Arizona, part four: The cost of telecommunications infrastructure to 2032
Providing all Arizonans with the gold standard in telecommunications could cost $24-25.2 billion, but what is the dollar value of state-of-the art infrastructure to rival that of world leaders? That could well be priceless.
Eat, drink and go shopping: Why thoughts of death whet consumers' appetite for stuff
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Americans began doing all of the things they had always wanted to do, including, apparently, a whole lot of shopping.
China's planned entry into the service sector
The Chinese don't do things halfway, as anyone who's visited Beijing in the run-up to the Olympics can attest.
"OBD: Obsessive branding disorder": Has branding jumped the tracks?
In his book "OBD: Obsessive Branding Disorder," Lucas Conley asserts that branding has gotten out of hand. At it's worst it is deceptive, he writes, and it diverts companies away from real product improvement to focus on superficial details.
ASU-RSI: Phoenix home prices down more than 20 percent from 2007
The Phoenix metro area housing market is closing on a record. And unlike the Olympics this has more to do with losing than winning. Back in the 1990 to 1991 years, during the last serious real estate recession that roiled Arizona, house prices on a 12-month basis declined for 17 straight months.
Smart services: Customer focus turns technology into solutions
To many participants at the recent Digital Smart Services Leadership Summit hosted by Qualcomm in San Diego, the phrase "smart services" is digital by definition.