
Video: Infrastructure — challenges of growth

Infrastructure is the foundation of an economy: schools, transportation, power plants, etc. Arizona faces challenges meeting current infrastructure needs and preparing for growth. Economists Dennis Hoffman and Tim James of the W. P. Carey School of Business explored these issues at the "Arizona 2030: Preparing for an Arizona of 10 Million People" conference recently. While Arizona presents a dramatic snapshot of the challenge of infrastructure, the issues are not at all unique to the southwest.

Infrastructure is the foundation of an economy: schools, transportation, power plants, etc. Arizona faces some interesting infrastructure challenges in terms of current needs and growth. Economists Dennis Hoffman and Tim James of the W. P. Carey School of Business, explore the issues Arizona faces as it prepares for the next wave of growth — problems that are not unique to the southwest.

Arizona Infrastructure-Introduction

Arizona Infrastructure-Water

Arizona Infrastructure-Transportation

Arizona Infrastructure-Population Growth

Arizona Infrastructure- Funding Part 1 of 2

Arizona Infrastructure- Funding Part 2 of 2

Arizona Infrastructure-Conclusion Part 1 of 3

Arizona Infrastructure-Conclusion Part 2 of 3

Arizona Infrastructure-Conclusion Part 3 of 3

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