The gentle science of persuasion, part four: Consistency

Nobody likes being known as a liar or as wishy-washy or erratic. So, when people make public commitments or promises, they will almost always want to back up those words with action. They have little choice: For reputation’s sake, they must do so.

Podcast: The new economics of sports business

Professional sports are a multimillion dollar industry — an industry that is increasingly playing by rules that don't apply to other businesses.

Changing channels: It's all about what clicks with customers

When Dell Computer Corp. announced in May that it is opening two retail stores, retail industry observers took note. Dell, with $56 billion in revenue this year, was a pioneer in developing the online model of retailing. Brick-and-mortar retailers have followed, creating their own online stores.

Clashing cultures contribute to racial disparities in medical care

Clashing cultural cues – rather than discriminatory doctors – could cause at least part of the medical care gap between black and white Americans, according to a recent study of patient adherence by Jonathan D.

How may I help you? Revolutionizing service in China

Service is the next frontier in the Chinese economy.

Self-service technologies should benefit customers, not just bottom lines

Companies like to implement self-service technologies because of the potential cost savings and the appeal of the cutting-edge.

Our bodies, our buying behavior: Should real ads have curves?

The "Dove girls" advertising campaign has caught the attention of media consumers, and no wonder.

Can't stop the music: Industry fails to keep pace with consumer habits

The Supreme Court is expected to rule next month whether Grokster, a Napster-like file-sharing network for downloading music and other digital entertainment, can be held liable for facilitating copyright infringement.

Zen of the pack rat: Yard sales bring angst, exhilaration for sellers

Our possessions are more than inanimate objects; often they are fraught with meaning, negative or positive.

High performers: Staying on top of the game

The qualities that set high performers apart from their colleagues have been put under the research microscope of two marketing professors at the W. P. Carey School of Business.