
Summer reading: six books on my nightstand about artificial intelligence

Who says school is out in summer? It’s the time to catch up — on reading. Here are six suggestions for books to read about technology.

Want to be successful? Study those who are, says CIS partner

W. P. Carey computer information systems students team up with a global leader in the aviation industry to help solve real-world issues in aerospace.

Augmented intelligence vs. artificial intelligence

In the context of the central theme of the annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems — to which I have the privilege of being the program co-chair this year — I want to share my thoughts on how academics and industry are reassessing the future role of intelligence.

Top of every CIO’s list: Analytics models and governance

Department of Information Systems Chair Raghu Santanam explains the importance of advanced analytics in contemporary business.

Management Information Systems moves up to No. 17

The 2016–2017 academic year is off to a successful start, as the W. P. Carey School of Business undergraduate Computer Information Systems program ranked No. 17 in the latest rankings of the U.S. News & World Report. ASU also continues to be ranked the No.

Never too late to pursue education

Taking a break from a successful career to go back to school and get a degree is a move many people don’t make. It was a tough choice for Benjamin Behrend but one that has paid off.

'Change is inevitable. Change for the better is a full-time job.' Adlai E. Stevenson

After six years as the W. P. Carey Chairman of the Department of Information Systems, Michael Goul has decided to step down from his position in order to serve the school as the new Assistant Dean of Research.

MBA or MS? Analytics program rankings on the near horizon

Department of Information Systems Chairman Michal Goul provides insight into future program rankings.

What in the Sam Hill are cows doing on Sand Hill Road?

Due to California's land regulations, they're grazing on the most expensive grass in the United States.

Venting about boss? Research says choose co-workers carefully

Research by Assistant Professor Michael Baer reveals complaining about your boss might seem harmless, but the company that you keep may have a detrimental effect.