
Landlord files: How to vet a rental application

After you have received an application and the application fee from your tenants, you will want to process the application in a timely manner. I ask tenants to notify their employers and previous landlords to expect my call so that I can process the application as quickly as possible.

Is big data always a big deal?

Much has been made of data analytics lately — arguably for good reason. These days we have access to more and more information and the tools that can help make sense of it. People are clamoring for big data — the bigger the better!

Is shopping good therapy? Depends what you buy

Some people go shopping for a lift when life delivers a blow to the ego, but that purchase may not make them feel better. Marketing researcher Monika Lisjak has found that depending on what people buy, they actually might make themselves feel worse and will perform worse on subsequent tasks.

Ashok Mishra: Helping subsistence farmers break the cycle of poverty

Ashok Mishra is driven to help better the lives of the 5.5 billion or so people who depend on subsistence farming to survive. The story of a farm entrepreneur lifting himself out of poverty to give his children a better future is Mishra’s own family story.

Finding the best freelancer: Openness helps

Need a temp worker? Consider online labor markets, where you auction off your work to eager freelancers. If you go that route, make sure people can see each other’s bids via the open-bid option. It will bring you fewer people but a better deal in the long run.

Making ethical decisions: Mood matters

Do the executives running big public accounting firms really know how the CPAs who work for them would respond when faced with ethical dilemmas? New research suggests they may not.

The elements of brand personality

In part three of this series, we are looking at the elements that combine to create your brand’s personality. The elements of brand personality are considered intangible, and on the table of brand elements they are classified as feelings.

The economy at mid-expansion: Look toward the next recession

Comerica Bank Chief Economist Robert Dye says it’s time to take a different perspective on the economy. Short story: “We need to get past the view that the economy is just now recovering. We’re actually in the middle of the expansion.”

Give thought to renter's application, interview

I have had all manner of tenants in the past, good and bad. With experience, I have developed a successful application process that helps me to find the best possible tenants. When a tenant wants to rent the property after the showing, then it's time for the application.

Starbucks' success brewed with a commitment to humanity

Starbucks is a worldwide brand, but its success rests on more than a cup of coffee.