
Executive of the Year: Silver Lake's Jim Davidson

Jim Davidson, co-founder, managing partner, and managing director of Silver Lake, is the 2014 Executive of the Year.

New rules in the game of sports marketing

The Sports Business Association is an undergraduate organization at the W. P. Carey School of Business dedicated to teaching students about the sports business industry.

Your mindset can be a competitive advantage in business, life

Author and entrepreneur Evan Carmichael wrote: “If there is something in common between the world's highly successful entrepreneurs ... it is their winning mindsets.” But what really do we mean by this term?

Arizona ranks in top 10 in jobs created from startups

W. P. Carey entrepreneurship expert Sidnee Peck discusses job growth in the startup sector of the Arizona economy.

ASU study details economic impact of Colorado River on basin states

Rocky Mountain News PBS quoted Research Professor Timothy James on a study from the L. William Seidman Research Institute about the economic impact of the Colorado River.

Good directions: What makes a board effective?

Academic interest in how corporations are governed has grown since the WorldCom and Enron Corporation scandals of the early 2000s and the global financial crisis of 2008.

Continuous improvement: It’s organic

John Lincoln of Lincoln Electric believed his role as a leader was to create an environment where his employees would be encouraged to discover new ways for the company to improve and to bring those suggestions forward for his consideration.

To survive companies need a digital presence

Entrepreneurs who do not sell on the Internet and therefore do not have a merchant account often ask me if they need a digital presence. The answer: a resounding yes! That's because customers and clients use the Internet the way people used the Yellow Pages a generation ago, only more so.

Location, location, location: It's more than an address

You already knew that decisions about where to locate your business involve factors such as size of space, type of space, common area expenses and rent.

Lost in space? NASA grant explores work patterns

Have you ever thought “Where was I?” when you returned to a task after someone had interrupted you? Task shifting — even pulling yourself away from the computer screen to answer a question — can impact productivity. For astronauts, it can increase risks.