
Political polarization: Does social media make it worse?

Social media provides numerous outlets for people to voice their opinions. Researchers from the W. P. Carey School of Business wondered whether the virtual cacophony is contributing to political polarization.

Predictive analytics: Seeing beyond the horizon

Predictive analytics promises to harness Big Data, enabling companies to devise more effective strategies.

The economy: For Arizona and the nation, more of the same

Full economic recovery is still at least two years away, according to experts from the W. P. Carey School of Business who delivered their midyear forecasts at the school’s annual Economic Outlook Luncheon on May 8, 2014.

Performance math: Sports analytics growing field

The burgeoning field of analytics was made famous by the book and movie, “Moneyball,” which showed how the Oakland Athletics and Boston Red Sox gained a significant advantage over other baseball teams in the early-to-mid 2000s by their use of statistical formulas.

The 2015 Arizona economy: Driven by demographics

At the 51st Annual ASU/JPMorgan Chase Economic Forecast Luncheon, two experts shared their progress reports on the economic recovery in Arizona. Both Lee McPheters and Elliott Pollack said that construction jobs lie at the heart of the job growth problem.

The 2015 national economy: It's all about jobs

James Glassman, managing director and head economist for commercial banking at JPMorgan Chase & Co., and John Lonski, managing director and chief financial markets economist at Moody's Analytics, agreed that the economy of the nation, like Arizona, is recovering but not yet recovered.

Ways your company can give back to community

Small business owners are aided by the loyal customers that frequent their establishments. This isn't difficult to figure out. Yet, ways in which small business owners give back to their community and their customers is something that isn't always easy to figure out.

Use the New Year to grow business

One of the reasons we love (or hate) New Year’s resolution season is because it is a specific point in time that causes us to halt and take inventory of our lives, our businesses and our relationships.

National forecast: 2015 brings steady uptick — focus on pensions

Business writer John S. Kiernan included insights from the W. P. Carey School’s Nobel Laureate and economist, Edward Prescott, in a wrap up of 2015 economic predictions.

How you can prevent a Sony hack in your small business

Facing a security breach in your small business can be a daunting task to contain. Sidnee Peck, Director for the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides helpful tips to prevent this from occurring.