AZ state spending: Up or down?
Spending by state government in Arizona is on the rise.
Keeping promises: Closing the services gap
Would your customers say that the services they received from your company are the services they expected to get? If not, then your company may suffer from a services quality gap.
Brian Walker: Lessons from crises and recovery
The chair reserved for the president and CEO at Herman Miller, a successful and innovative office furniture maker, must have appeared comfortable when Brian Walker took the helm in 2000, but it soon became a hot seat.
Consumer preferences and the relationship between health and consumption
In an ideal world, consumers' choices in relation to the incremental costs of producing goods and services would dictate what gets produced, and at what price. Choices should tell us about preferences.
Economists are from Mars, policymakers are from Venus: Translating the language of science
While many scientists applaud former Vice President Al Gore and his documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," some scientists have said that the film exaggerates the nature of environmental problems and/or makes conclusions that the science doesn't uphold.
Reports of the Phoenix real estate market's demise have been greatly exaggerated
Phoenix, now the fifth largest city in the United States, could be the poster child for metropolitan areas where a bursting residential housing bubble has created economic discord.
Business and the media: A rapidly evolving relationship
Cognizant of the way information ricochets through the media these days, companies need to redouble efforts to be sure that the information they release about themselves is the right data at the moment, and that it's accurately transmitted.
Be your own disruptor: Out-innovate your competitors and win
"85 percent of CEOs have innovation on a short list of strategic priorities. But then they put it off," said Tom Kelley, the featured speaker at Arizona State University's 2007 Design Excellence Dinner.
Craig Weatherup: Learning from success and failure
The essence of leadership is the ability to make the right decision, and to be able to do that leaders need breadth of experience.
A picture is worth a thousand numbers: Bringing data alive on the big screen
In our last issue, Ajay Vinze and Raghu Santanam, both information systems professors at the W. P. Carey School of Business, discussed how principles of supply chain management might be applied to public health emergencies.