ASU-RSI: Beginning of the end of price plunge?
Sales data from March indicate that a trend change in housing prices might be underway in the beleaguered Phoenix metro market.
After the fall: Opportunities and strategies for real estate investing in the coming decade
From seasoned real estate writer Steve Bergsman comes this message: Proceed with caution, be patient and realize that there are many kinds of real estate markets — each with particular potentials and pitfalls.
Nobel laureate Myerson tells China to spend more of its dollars
Roger Myerson, a Nobel Laureate in Economics from the University of Chicago, told an audience of Chinese business executives and government officials recently that their country might do better if it liquidated some of its American investments.
ASU-RSI: Duration of real estate price decline matches the 17-month record
Back in the early 1990s, the Phoenix metro area — like the rest of the country — was suffering through a profound real estate recession and house prices declined for a record 17 straight months. Like Lou Gehrig's record for consecutive games played, it was thought it would never be equaled.
Video: Infrastructure — challenges of growth
Infrastructure is the foundation of an economy: schools, transportation, power plants, etc. Arizona faces challenges meeting current infrastructure needs and preparing for growth.
'How' matters more than 'what' in business and in life
"A leading company should be a company of leaders," says Dov Seidman, a consultant whose career focuses on how companies and their people can operate in both a principled and profitable way.
ASU-RSI: Drop in Phoenix real estate prices breaks infamous record
In the late 1980s home prices in Phoenix declined for a grueling 17 straight months before bottoming out in the early 1990s. That downturn pummeled the savings and loan industry, and it set the record for length.
Podcast: The year of the recession
It's official: The U.S. economy is in recession — and has been since December 2007, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.
Bob Anderson: Innovating from the bottom up at Best Buy
In the opening moments of Bob Anderson's presentation at a recent conference sponsored by the Center for the Advancement of Business through Information Technology, the IT executive used the words "innovation" or "innovative" or "innovate" seven times. He has reasons to harp on that theme.
Medicine gets personal: Sidney Taurel discusses tailored therapeutics
The future of the pharmaceutical industry lies in its willingness to share scientific information, tailor drugs for individual patient groups and have the courage to walk away from some therapies in order to improve outcomes in other areas, says Eli Lilly and Company chairman of the board Sidney