How ambiguity can serve atypical organizations

Is it better to stand out or fit in? It's a critical question for businesses. Recent research by Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship Heewon Chae shows how being different can be a competitive advantage.

Calculating returns on futures contracts: What’s right, what’s not

In his latest research paper about futures contracts, Professor of Finance Hendrik Bessembinder tackles what he calls the 'roll yield myth.'

What’s holding agricultural workers back?

Professor of Economics Berthold Herrendorf digs into why farm laborers make less money than those in any other sector — even when they move on to different jobs.

Cash on hand

Associate Professor of Finance Thomas Bates researches the rationale behind the rise in the value of corporate financial holdings.

The brass ring

What does it take to tackle the tenure-track hurdle? The short answer is the trifecta of work, which includes research, teaching, and service.

Dean wins Distinguished Educator Award

The Academy of Management honored Amy Hillman at its annual meeting.

ASU agribusiness researcher earns Elsevier Atlas Award

Economist Tim Richards, the Marvin and June Morrison Chair in Agribusiness in the Morrison School of Business, and his co-author won the prestigious Elsevier Atlas Award for their research paper on innovative markets for food waste.

Improving disaster response and relief

Award supports supply chain professor’s research to develop coordination tool that connects humanitarian organizations and government bodies

Most stock market returns come from a tiny fraction of shares

Research by Professor of Finance Hendrik Bessembinder explains why investing in modish companies, known as FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, and Google), are the preferred choice among investors.

Machine learning platforms: How they perform and why it matters

Professor of Information Systems Asim Roy’s research may help practitioners pick a platform to buy and use. For the rest of us — those who rely on machine learning daily — he offers insight into our digital helpers.