2008 NAWBO Conference: It's a man's world — or is it?

Does the world of business — in the past dominated by men — pose any special challenges for women?

Social entrepreneurs develop cleaner alternative to African wood-burning stoves

On his first trip to Ghana in September 2006, Mark Henderson traveled through countryside that was lush, but obscured with haze. Some of the haze was carried in by the Harmattan — a dry and dusty West African wind that blows in from the Sahara at that time of year.

Beleaguered Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Beacons of stability

President Bush has signed into law a housing package passed by Congress last week that authorizes the Treasury Department to spend federal funds to rescue Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac if necessary.

Podcast: The trend for gas prices

Gas prices have been easing downward in the last few weeks, welcome relief for consumers. But what is the outlook going forward? Will prices continue to fall? Dennis Hoffman, director of the L.

How to hire for a person/culture fit

Research shows that when people fit in the culture of the organization in which they work, they are happier, more engaged, more productive and they provide better service.

Arizona has recovered all its lost jobs, but here's the catch

Arizona has finally recovered the 315,000 jobs lost in the Great Recession, but unfortunately the new jobs do not pay as much as the ones that are gone. The Phoenix Business Journal asked regional economist Lee McPheters why.

Medical devices become safer thanks to barcodes

Supply Chain Management Professor Eugene Schneller examines the immediate and long-term effects of technological asset tracking in the health care industry.