Revving up auto sales with award-winning status

When autos gain mass appeal in a foreign country, it revs up their popularity in the home market.

Adaptation could reduce damage from climate-driven storms by a third

While the push for global action to reduce emissions continues, disaster-prone communities face an expensive decision: Should they spend money on adaptations like seawalls, stilts, storm drains, and windproof garage doors to better withstand climate change?

Caught cheating: When sin taxes forge unforeseen fallout

From sugar to cigarettes, raising taxes on certain products is intended to discourage unhealthy or undesirable behaviors. These taxes — called sin taxes — may be effective in reducing the use of those products, but is that the only consequence?

What a return to campus reflects

A lot has been accomplished in the Department of Information Systems over the past few years despite the pandemic.

A report from ASU says the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill could mean more than $115B for Arizona

A new report by ASU’s Seidman Research Institute that was led by economist Dennis Hoffman shows that if the $3.5 trillion is implemented, Arizona’s economy would be helped significantly.

The case for a just-in-case medical supply chain stash

Professor of Supply Chain Management Eugene Schneller, along with other supply chain colleagues, examined the shortfalls of the COVID-19 response and offer a model for building a more efficient medical supply chain reserve in their new research.

Biden tax proposal would cost Arizona thousands of jobs, ASU report estimates

The president's proposal to increase the United States' Global Intangible Low-Tax Income (GILTI) tax will lead to job losses at 266 public companies in Arizona, according to the Seidman Research Institute.

Employee performance: Sharing it may boost motivation

According to research conducted by Associate Professor of Accountancy Pablo Casas-Arce, the words, “You can do better,” affects employees.

Move over materialism: The 'experiential advantage' wins most valuable social currency

While scoring a new iPhone is fun, showing off that picture of your excursion kayaking on Canyon Lake makes people happier, according to research. Plus, inflation is expected to affect the holiday shopping season.

Employee stock options suffer in most merger deals

When a company succeeds to the point that other firms come calling with merger or acquisition offers, the thinking goes, those stock options will turn into big payoffs for the employees. However, new research shows it generally doesn’t work out that way.