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The gentle science of persuasion, part four: Consistency
Nobody likes being known as a liar or as wishy-washy or erratic. So, when people make public commitments or promises, they will almost always want to back up those words with action. They have little choice: For reputation’s sake, they must do so.
The gentle science of persuasion, part five: Authority
People trust experts. In courtrooms, expert witnesses sway the views of jurors. On television, expert analysts shape public opinion on everything from politics to sports.
Podcast: The big gamble Super Bowl advertising
In the Super Bowl advertising arms race, companies spend millions on mere seconds. Is it worth it? Nancy Stephens, associate professor of marketing, says no.
The gentle science of persuasion, part six: Scarcity
In the digital age, more information is available to more people than ever before. But not all the information. Truly unique and rare information — a hot stock tip, for instance, or a warning of an impending market shift — remains a near-priceless commodity.
Podcast: Michael Vick, celebrity endorsements, and the fallout when an icon stumbles
Michael Vick's apparent involvement in the brutal "sport" of dog fighting is the latest incident to focus attention on celebrity endorsements.
Reaping the benefits of a big event
Super Bowl XLII represents an estimated $450 million in direct and ancillary revenues for businesses and entrepreneurs.
Rendering authenticity: How to succeed in the experience economy
The new consumer sensibility, widely heralded in the business press, is the Experience Economy. Our world of mediated, staged and multi-sensory experience — an increasingly unreal world — gives rise to people desiring authentic or "real" experiences. But what is authenticity?
Eat, drink and go shopping: Why thoughts of death whet consumers' appetite for stuff
After the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Americans began doing all of the things they had always wanted to do, including, apparently, a whole lot of shopping.
Summer must-reads: 10 marketing books for your beach bag
Business2Community recommends a new book by Robert Cialdini, Regents’ Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing.
'Limited-quantity' ads play a role in consumer aggression
W. P. Carey researchers examine why shoppers become Black Friday brawlers, concluding that retailers should be more cautious in how they use 'scarcity ads,' and consumers should understand that psychologically, these effects can happen and you should control your own behavior.