Are employee devices an unlocked window to your data?
Think again if you believe that those complex, eight-characters-or-more, upper case, lower case and special character-filled passwords you require do a great job of protecting your corporate IT systems.
Do aggressive goals drive unethical behavior?
Research on goal setting and pay for performance can inspire not only higher performance, but higher malfeasance. And thinking “outside of the box” can cause trouble when misapplied. Even the smallest moral transgressions can evolve into problems of significant size.
Seven effective practices for preventing customer rage
"The 2015 Customer Rage Study provides “a data-driven prescriptive framework for a Complaint Handling and Service Recovery Program that actually improves individual brand loyalty and improves word-of-mouth advertising.”
Test your Arizona economic IQ
For 10 years, guests at the annual Economic Outlook Luncheon, sponsored by the Economic Club of Phoenix, are challenged by research economist Lee McPheters to answer a set of questions about the background issues driving the Arizona economy. Here's your chance to do the same.
This is the boom: Economists deliver 2016 outlook
For anyone who fondly remembers Arizona’s boom times, economists have a new message: Even though 2016 might well shape up as the state’s best year in 10 years, it’s time to get used to rates of much slower growth.
Teamwork: In-house economists make analysts more accurate
In periods of economic downturn, analysts’ forecasts are generally more optimistic than conditions warrant. On the other hand, analysts are very accurate reflecting positive signs.
Future of health care reform: Person-centered care
Delivering more health care value requires a focus — from policymakers, health care providers and consumers themselves — on the whole person and episode of care rather than on the treatment.
Reality of regulation coming to daily fantasy sports?
Fantasy sports are here to stay, but key decisions in the next year or two likely will bring taxation and government regulation to the booming industry. That was the consensus of a panel on the future of fantasy sports at the 2016 ASU Sports Symposium.
Google self-driving cars coming to Phoenix area
With Google testing its self-driving cars on Phoenix streets, reporter Ryan Randazzo interviewed Professor of Information Systems Robert St Louis about the impact of the new technology.
When the boss leaves, should I stay, or should I go?
When good leaders leave for new opportunities, they might walk out the door with more than best wishes and the last slices of farewell cake. Some subordinates might follow the leader to his or her new venture.