
That ugly sweater you returned? It might not go where you think

There have been reports about retailers destroying returned, unworn merchandise. Others send it to third-party liquidators or donate or recycle it. More and more, returned products are sold at online auctions.

How insecure workers hurt companies

Businesses should take note of new research by Assistant Professor of Management Ned Wellman that finds workers who feel insecure are more likely to do bad things that hurt the bottom line.

Outstanding Graduating Senior: Juan Pablo Forno

Outstanding Graduating Senior Juan Pablo Forno reflects on his time at Arizona State University, and where his W. P. Carey degree will take him.

Turning health care data into wise decisions

The next step for health care is to turn big data into actionable information, according to Professor of Supply Chain Management Eugene Schneller.

'Best-seller' label guides online gift purchases

Online retailers have an opportunity to persuade hesitant shoppers to click "buy" this holiday season, according to new research by a marketing professor.

Medical devices become safer thanks to barcodes

Supply Chain Management Professor Eugene Schneller examines the immediate and long-term effects of technological asset tracking in the health care industry.

Is the media partly to blame for the CEO gender gap?

The press predominantly criticizes the choice to hire female CEOs, point fingers at them when there's a crisis, and report on their personal life.

When's the right time to reinvent your brand with a new logo

This year, major companies like Facebook Inc., Google Inc., StubHub and Airbnb have changed their logo and company branding. Is it time for your company to do the same?

How can it be safe to share my business concept?

An idea is just an idea, and if it's good, you're likely not the only one with it. So, in some cases, you can stop worrying and start building.

Be the ‘Valentine’s Day’ of services

Valentine’s Day is both loved and hated, but regardless of where you stand, you’re well-aware of its influential marketing power. For the second quarter, how can you transform your business into the “Valentine’s Day” of products or services?