
Co-working spaces can boost your creativity

We are living in an age of mobile offices and people working religiously from coffee shops. It can be a way of life for many entrepreneurs. However, because this has become such a trend, co-working spaces are popping up in cities all over the world, and the Phoenix area is no exception.

Straight talk from Whole Foods CEO

The website for Whole Foods Market declares that “we seek out the finest natural and organic foods available, maintain the strictest quality standards in the industry, and have an unshakeable commitment to sustainable agriculture.” At the January Economic Club of Phoenix luncheon, club president

Communicate clearly with struggling employees

Sidnee Peck, Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides employers with guidelines on how to approach and constructively critique an employee that is performing at less than expected/optimal levels.

Fair treatment may not mean equal treatment at work

Research shows that perceptions of inequity are associated with lower job satisfaction, engagement, performance and mental health, as well as higher turnover. The opposite is true when workers feel they are treated equitably.

App addiction: It's not as irrational as it seems

If you think Facebook, Candy Crush and other social apps are addictive, you’re right. The average smartphone user spends two hours and 38 minutes on his or her device. But, that addictive behavior is rational, says Professor Sang Pil Han.

The long-awaited recovery in demand

The February report on the Phoenix real estate market contains welcome news. Recovery is here. That's according to Mike Orr, director of the Center for Real Estate Theory and Practice and author of the monthly housing report.

A century of success: Lincoln Electric’s long vision

Christopher L. Mapes, chairman, president and CEO of Lincoln Electric Holdings, Inc., accepted the W. P. Carey School's Dean's Council Executive of the Year Award on April 8, 2015.

Celebrate, it’s good for you

There is nothing like hearing positive, sincere words about your work. The performance enhancing value of praise and personal attention from the boss were uncovered in a McKinsey survey of 1,000 executives.

Be alert to gender biases that can poison a workplace

In “Why girls do better at school than boys,” The Economist shared a study this month that suggests female students are performing better in school than male counterparts; it also demonstrated presumably unconscious biases of teachers toward female students.

Don't just create a fantasy plan — build a business model

Sidnee Peck, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship, provides words of wisdom for a questioning business owner.