
Forecast 2017: Arizona’s economy will be 'quite vigorous'

At long last, Arizona’s economy has officially recovered from the Great Recession. According to economist Lee McPheters, who spoke at the 53rd Annual ASU/JPMorgan Chase Economic Forecast Luncheon, strong job growth and population growth will continue in 2017.

When workers who go above and beyond get tired of trying

Research by PetSmart Chair in Business Leadership Jeff LePine and his co-authors, sheds some interesting light on dynamics in the workplace.

Donald Trump's moment of truth

After what felt like the longest campaign ever, the 2016 election is finally over. It's time to sit back, take a deep breath, and reflect on where we stand as we await the inauguration of America's next president, Donald J.

ASU research debunks stock-market myth

After decades of debate, Clinical Associate Professor of Finance Geoffrey Smith says he and a colleague have discredited the "Weekend Effect."

Arizona’s effort to boost Mexico trade faces hurdle under Trump administration

The state is caught in the middle as the President attempts to limit foreign trade while it tries to boost cross-border business.

'Obamacare' repeal could kill 62,000 Arizona jobs

A new study by the L. William Seidman Research Institute predicts Arizona's health care sector will experience its first decline in decades if Congress eliminates Affordable Care Act funding.

Interdisciplinary ASU project creates land model

As Phoenix continues to sprawl toward Tucson, urban planners are working to prevent the entire 100-mile corridor between Arizona’s largest metro areas from becoming nothing but concrete and asphalt.

Martin Luther King Jr.: A leader to inspire businesses

Martin Luther King Jr. was many things: minister, activist, civil rights leader, speaker extraordinaire, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. But few would see him as a great model for business leaders.

Organic is awesome, unless you’re on welfare

If you buy products that benefit society, it’s a good thing, right? Yes, and no. That is, people don’t necessarily see it that way.

Stuck on hold? The worst offenders include Apple, Amazon, airlines

Attention customer service: Quality care post-sale is crucial if you want our business in the future.