Health care transparency: Just what the doctor ordered
How do you know which hospitals are doing the best job? Patients, insurers and employers all have a stake in the answer to this question, but up until now factual information on hospital and nursing home performance has been scanty, and what is out there is based on differing criteria.
What is small business? Unraveling the numbers
What is small business? According to the Small Business Administration's size standards, an enterprise may still be considered "small" if it employs as many as 1,500 people with revenues up to $32.5 million.
The two faces of entrepreneurship, part one: Replicative entrepreneurs serve growing population
Entrepreneur magazine recently ranked Arizona as the top hot spot for entrepreneurs. However, it is replicative, not innovative, entrepreneurs who are flourishing in Arizona.
Get real: Honest job previews can cut employee turnover
Employee turnover is an expensive process. Human resources experts estimate the cost of turnover to range between 93 percent and 200 percent of an exiting worker's annual salary, depending on the employee's skill level.
Changing channels: It's all about what clicks with customers
When Dell Computer Corp. announced in May that it is opening two retail stores, retail industry observers took note. Dell, with $56 billion in revenue this year, was a pioneer in developing the online model of retailing. Brick-and-mortar retailers have followed, creating their own online stores.
After the storm: Adjusting to natural disasters
The first anniversary of the disaster wrought by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which destroyed more than 400,000 homes in New Orleans and along Mississippi's Gulf coast, raises questions about how an area's housing market recovers from disaster — and about the wisdom of locating housing along hist
Americans unwilling to give up their gas
Despite higher gas prices, American consumers have not backed off their demand for gas, apparently preferring to cut back consumption in other areas. Average U.S.
Get a life: Research shows that employees would like to
Your employees may be satisfied with their office duties, co-workers, immediate supervisors, and even their paychecks. But, that doesn't necessarily mean they're happy enough to stay on the job.
What is the information supply chain?
Like a physical supply chain, an information supply chain (ISC) is comprised of the organizations that connect with each other to produce a desired end — product or service — for a user.
Surprising jump in tax revenues: Will it last?
Recent estimates of the United States' federal budget deficit just keep getting better.