Housing balloon springs a slow leak
Picture the U.S.
Information flow crucial to effective disaster response
Hurricane Katrina delivered an excruciating lesson on "information integration in action, not theory," according to Steve Cooper, chief information officer at the American Red Cross.
The effects of university research on local economies
Do university research programs tend to stimulate employment and raise the average level of income in the local area economy?
A healthy environment — priceless
The idea of melding economic and environmental goals is not new, but acceptance is growing for the idea that a healthy environment is part of a healthy economy.
What's in a name: Cardinals Stadium seeks a partner
Arizona Cardinals Stadium, a $355 million, multi-purpose, high tech athletic entertainment facility, is considered among the top ten in the world. When it officially opened on September 10 it sported all the bells and whistles, except one: a corporate name and a lucrative naming rights contract.
The two faces of entrepreneurship part two: Innovative entrepreneurs bring new wealth to the economy
All entrepreneurship is not the same. Innovative entrepreneurs create and commercialize new products, services and business practices, in contrast to the replicative entrepreneurs — those who open businesses that support a growing population, such as restaurants and dry cleaners.
The new CIO: Chief of the information supply chain
Thin client technology and the Java card have enabled business to create a data-centric world with a mobile workforce. The creative possibilities in this environment are boundless, but freedom from the office comes with increased risk.
Keep 'em separated? The shifting boundaries between work and home
Cell phones, PDAs and laptop computers are the "Trojan Horses" of the modern world. Carried home or on vacation, they transport work from the office through the walls of our personal lives.
Passing the baton: Who succeeds the icon?
The withdrawal of Bill Gates from his full-time role in the Microsoft empire he created raises the specific question of how — and even whether — an icon can be replaced. Gates' move also highlights the general question of how best to handle management succession.
No risk, no reward? Not necessarily...
In our competitive culture "no risk, no reward" is an axiom. But is all risk the same? In their new paper, "Not All Risk Taking is Equal: Firm Performance and the Motivation for Executive Decisions," Nathan Washburn and co-authors studied the risk-taking behaviors of executives.