
CANAMEX Corridor opens new options for trade with Asia

The CANAMEX Corridor of Innovation initiative has been working in recent years to plan improvements to public and private shipping, rail, highway and inspection facilities through a multistate cooperative of Arizona, Nevada, Utah and Idaho.

Take note: Laptop supply chain is not what you'd expect

U.S. sales of notebook PCs outpaced desktop computers for the first time in 2005, garnering 53.3 percent of the total PC retail market, according to research firm Current Analysis.

Not every retailer needs e-commerce to score global success

The U.S. Department of Commerce reports that 2005 U.S. e-commerce sales rose to $86.3 billion — 25 percent over 2004 sales. Yet e-commerce represents only around 2 percent of U.S. retail sales.

Beauty and the sales commission: Looks can boost performance

You wouldn't expect to see a scrawny, spectacled, beak-nosed Chippendale dancer any more than you'd expect Hooters to hire an obese waitress. But, surely, looks don't matter for the highly educated and trained sales professionals that pharmaceutical companies send to doctors' offices.

Picky, picky: Consumers tend to reject 'contaminated' merchandise

Did you ever notice how shoppers often thumb through magazines, but when it comes to making a purchase, they never pick the one at the front of the rack?

Arizona sets sights to become a player in the global economy

Arizona is at a crossroads, looking back at 25 years of spectacular growth and forward to a future that, while promising, is also uncertain. As one of 10 identified "megapolitan" areas in the U.S., Arizona faces the choice of creating high-quality jobs or ignoring that need.

Can Arizona universities reconcile 'nearly free' mandate with improvement mission?

The Arizona Constitution mandates that "the instruction furnished shall be as nearly free as possible" at the state's universities, and that the state appropriate money for the "development and improvement" of its universities.

Arizona seizes initiative with 'Health-e Connection' project

Arizona's health information technology (HIT) industry and health-care delivery system are on the brink of radical transformation as Arizona Health-e Connection prepares to publish its proposal offering a "road map" for development and implementation of a statewide, unified HIT network.

Natural gas prices defeat hopes for cheap, plentiful energy in the west

At the time of the California energy supply crisis of 2001, a number of Western states were net exporters of electricity. They realized the Golden State would need much more electricity than it could supply itself.

Health care transformation: Crisis or opportunity?

When Thomas Donohue scans the American health-care landscape, he sees an opportunity.