Effectively pricing a rental property

Clinical Assistant Professor Kathryn Eaton, shares her experiences of being a landlord in the Phoenix real estate market. This particular article deals with the confusion and uncertainty that can surround the pricing of property.

Super Bowl XLIX delivered super-sized returns

Super Bowl XLIX and related events landed earned $720 million in economic impact for the Phoenix metro area this winter — more than any special event ever staged in Arizona. But the gains for Arizona go beyond dollars and cents.

Brand building: One size does not fit all entrepreneurs

What are the elements that make up your brand? Nancy Gray, a marketing instructor at the W. P, Carey School, explains how those elements contribute to the way your brand is perceived — and lived ­— by your customers.

Brand building: Inquiring minds want to know

You don’t need to be a famous expert to understand the elements that make up your brand — what matters most is your inquisitiveness. It is your willingness to wonder and ask questions that enables you to gain understanding that you can use to build your brand’s value to your customers.

The elements of brand personality

In part three of this series, we are looking at the elements that combine to create your brand’s personality. The elements of brand personality are considered intangible, and on the table of brand elements they are classified as feelings.

Is shopping good therapy? Depends what you buy

Some people go shopping for a lift when life delivers a blow to the ego, but that purchase may not make them feel better. Marketing researcher Monika Lisjak has found that depending on what people buy, they actually might make themselves feel worse and will perform worse on subsequent tasks.

Performance math: Sports analytics growing field

The burgeoning field of analytics was made famous by the book and movie, “Moneyball,” which showed how the Oakland Athletics and Boston Red Sox gained a significant advantage over other baseball teams in the early-to-mid 2000s by their use of statistical formulas.