The effects of university research on local economies

Do university research programs tend to stimulate employment and raise the average level of income in the local area economy?

What is small business? Unraveling the numbers

What is small business? According to the Small Business Administration's size standards, an enterprise may still be considered "small" if it employs as many as 1,500 people with revenues up to $32.5 million.

All the job's a stage: Role-playing in the services industry

People who work in service positions — police officers, hair stylists, dentists, real estate agents &mdahs; are aware that they are on stage, playing a role, while on the job.

Product contagion: How consumers' fear of cooties can cut into profits

Everyone needs garbage bags. Women need maxi-pads. Cat people need cat litter. And parents with babies buy diapers.

Innovate competitively by using new technology, namely academics

As companies shift from product to services focus, they face the challenge of a larger, more dynamic and more diverse customer base. Some are turning to universities for assistance from academics to find ways to improve operations or customer relations.

Craig Weatherup: Learning from success and failure

The essence of leadership is the ability to make the right decision, and to be able to do that leaders need breadth of experience.

Podcast: Managing the business of health care

Peter Drucker, sometimes called the father of modern management, once commented that health care organizations are the most difficult to manage of all organizations. For example, American health care is defined by legislative mandate yet implemented in the private sector.

Not so fast: Closer look at the data reveals weaknesses in Arizona economic growth

Arizona's record of economic progress in recent years is well documented. In 2006, the state led the nation in population and job growth and was fifth in growth of personal income.

Podcast: How strategic sourcing became the golden goose

Strategic sourcing, including early supplier involvement and outsourcing, provides significant competitive advantage to companies and represents a fundamental change in the way firms drive the bottom line.

Where are the shareholders' mansions?

CEOs' home purchases, stock sales and subsequent company performance management